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Salo Wittmayer Baron was described as “the greatest Jewish historian of the 20th century”.


These tales, although they are the kernel of a highly developed form of Jewish mysticism, have a basic human interest that transcends the dividing lines of religion.’ -Albert H. Friedlander, Saturday Review


History of the Alter Rebbe, 2 volumes


A practical introduction to the traditional literature, from the Sinai revelation to our day. Includes how the Mishnah and the Talmud were compiled, an overview of the Kabbala and the role fo the Oral Torah in elucidating the Written Torah.


Tradition and Crisis remains the pivotal text for understanding the revolution in the entire conception of Jewish identity in the modern era.


Michael Stanislawski is Nathan J. Miller Professor of Jewish History at Columbia University. His previous books include “Psalms for the Tsar “(1988) and “For Whom Do I Toil? “(1988).


The book “Under the shadow of the cross and crescent” Brand R.Koena was a response to the polar opinions on Judeo-Muslim relations in the Middle Ages that existed in the historical literature.Pytayas oppose both the myth of an interfaith utopia and antimifu on continuous brutal persecution by using comparative-historical method explains why the Islamic world of the Middle Ages the world, particularly in the period from the formation of Islam to the Mamluk era was much safer for Jews than life in the northern part of Christian Europe.


The Territorial Integrity of Israel: A Life Threatening Concern.


Biographical Encyclopedia, Judaism.