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The complete opening statements of the Eichmann Trial, translated into Russian. Includes the indictment against Eichmann, Attorney General Gideon Hausner’s opening statement, Eichmann’s attorney’s objections and the court’s ruling.


This book demonstrates how G-d often hides Himself from this world, as it were, and how true faith has helped us overcome even the most severe hardships.


A documentary story about the destruction of Butrimonys, a Jewish town in Lithania, during World War II.


In a remote corner of Poland, a handful of Jews became lost during the war. In terrible conditions, among different kinds of people, they fought for survival.


Devoted to the most complicated and most interesting question of the Jewish history – to a problem of cultural self-identification of Jews in historical and cultural space.


The relationship of Jews and power in different historical epochs, in different countries in the Diaspora.


The author describes the suffering of Ukrainian Jews during the pogroms of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, admiring the heroism of those who prefer martyrdom renounce their faith.


These tales, although they are the kernel of a highly developed form of Jewish mysticism, have a basic human interest that transcends the dividing lines of religion.’ -Albert H. Friedlander, Saturday Review