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Rambam / Maimonides


In this work, the Rambam lists all the 613 mitzvot traditionally contained in the Torah (Pentateuch).


The Thirteenth Book of Mishna Torah, includes commandments related to other civil relations in cases that do not have at the outset any injury–such as deposits, and debts, and claims and denials.


The eleventh book of Mishna Torah, includes commandments related to civil relations in which there is injury at the offset to either property or person.


The Thirteenth Book of Mishna Torah, includes commandments related to other civil relations in cases that do not have at the outset any injury–such as deposits, and debts, and claims and denials.


The tenth book of Mishna Torah, includes commandments related to ritual purity and impurity.


The Book of Holiness, is the 5th book of the Code of Maimonides.


The Book of Judges, is the 14th book of the Code of Maimonides.


The first book of Mishna Torah, “Knowledge” includes Fundamental laws of the Torah, Laws of the character traits, The laws of studying Torah, Laws of idolatry and Laws of repentance.


This masterful translation of the second book of the code, The Book of Love, deals primarily with laws concerning the worship of God.


Sefer Korbanot (The Book of Sacrifices), which details the laws of sacrificial offerings.


Book of Service (Sefer Avodah), details the commandments related to building the Temple and perpetual public sacrifices.


The Book of Times, is the 3rd book of the Code of Maimonides.


The Book of Woman, is the 4th book of the Code of Maimonides.


The collection includes his prefaces from the Commentary on the Mishnah, which can give a certain idea of ​​this work, despite the fact that the Commentary itself “remains behind the scenes”. In addition, two short prefaces by Rambam are given, related to the “Aphorisms” of Hippocrates. We hope that this book will complement the reader’s understanding of the work of the greatest Jewish authority of the Middle Ages.