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The Midrash has been the source of Jewish ethical and spiritual teachings for millennia, and has been mined for its treasures.


Like the Talmud, the Midrash is part of the Oral Law. The Midrash delves into the spiritual essence of the revealed Torah. It adds many missing details of the Torah’s narrative, and provides the ethical tradition that was passed down orally from generation to generation. Midrash Rabbah is the best known and most widely studied of all the Midrashic works.


The Midrash has been the source of Jewish ethical and spiritual teachings for millennia, and has been mined for its treasures.


The Midrash has been the source of Jewish ethical and spiritual teachings for millennia, and has been mined for its treasures.


The Little Midrash Says: A Digest of the Weekly Torah-portion Based on Rashi, Rishonim, and Midrashim, New Midrashim and Stories.


The Little Midrash Says: A Digest of the Weekly Torah-portion Based on Rashi, Rishonim, and Midrashim, New Midrashim and Stories.


The Little Midrash Says: A Digest of the Weekly Torah-portion Based on Rashi, Rishonim, and Midrashim, New Midrashim and Stories.


The Little Midrash Says: A Digest of the Weekly Torah-portion Based on Rashi, Rishonim, and Midrashim, New Midrashim and Stories.


The Little Midrash Says: A Digest of the Weekly Torah-portion Based on Rashi, Rishonim, and Midrashim, New Midrashim and Stories.


The Midrash Says: The Narrative of the Weekly Torah-portion in the Perspective of Our Sages