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Book of Bereshit & Shmot with commentary Pardes – 3 Volumes

Book of Bereshit & Shmot with commentary Pardes – 3 Volumes


Chumash Pardes – 3 Volumes

Book of Bereshit & Shmot with commentary Pardes – 3 Volumes


Chumash Pardes – 3 Volumes


The Garden of Secret Wisdom is called Pardes in the Talmud. This word was not chosen by chance. The greatest Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzchak Luria – Arizal – explained that it means not only “orchard.” This is a code word that implies four levels of comprehension of the Torah: Pshat – simple meaning, Remez – hint, Drash – interpretation and Sod – hidden meaning, secret. Together the first letters of these words spell out the word Pardes. The book is addressed to those who return to our great heritage without having received this knowledge through the chain of tradition… it is all verified and accurately conveys the meaning of the words of our sages. This book will certainly be of great benefit to those who seek to understand the depth of the Torah. (from the recommendation of the gaon Rav Moshe Shapira)

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Weight 5 lbs