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Jewish Heroes Vol. 1 [Еврейские герои 1]

Jewish Heroes Vol. 1 [Еврейские герои 1]


Bible stories for children, widely used by Jewish schools in North America.

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Jewish Heroes Vol. 1 [Еврейские герои 1]


Bible stories for children, widely used by Jewish schools in North America.

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Bible stories for children, widely used by Jewish schools in North America.

By Sadie Rose Weilerstein.

Buy this book together with other related books and save 15% off its original list price.

Format: 4×6 Paperback, 198 pp 
Language: Russian
ISBN 13: 978-965-310-017-6
ISBN 10: 965-310-017-3
Publisher: F.R.E.E. Publishing House and SHAMIR

Библейские истории о Аврааме, Ицхаке, Яакове, Йосефе, Моше, судьей, Шмуэле, Шауле, Давиде и Шломо. Эта книга хороша как для детей так и для взрослых. С иллюстрациями. Она широко изпользуется в Еврейских ешивах в Америки.

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