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Living in the Age of Moshiach

Living in the Age of Moshiach


As the millennium dawns, the world is flying headlong into…who knows what? What is the Jewish view? Is there any information or is it just speculation? What role does the Lubavitcher Rebbe himself play in all this?

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Living in the Age of Moshiach


As the millennium dawns, the world is flying headlong into…who knows what? What is the Jewish view? Is there any information or is it just speculation? What role does the Lubavitcher Rebbe himself play in all this?

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By Arnie Gotfryd

As the millennium dawns, the world is flying headlong into…who knows what? What is the Jewish view? Is there any information or is it just speculation? What role does the Lubavitcher Rebbe himself play in all this?

Format: Hardcover
Language: English

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs


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