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Maimonides [Маймонид]

Maimonides [Маймонид]


Maimonides, one of the preeminent personalities of medieval Jewish history, was a jurist, philosopher, expert in Jewish law, physician at the court of Saladin and a respected and dedicated communal leader. Given all that, it’s difficult to understand the decision to present Maimonides’s legacy primarily through the lens of his work as a physician. The 12th century was a time of stagnation in the history of medicine, and the author himself concedes that Maimonides contributed very little that was new or innovative to the field. By contrast, his jurisprudential magnum opus, the Mishne Torah, constituted a groundbreaking work in its own day and continues to be authoritative almost a millennium later. Although Nuland acknowledges this in a chapter on Maimonides’s religious scholarship, it is dwarfed by the overarching concern with medicine—which seems the primary interest of Nuland, a clinical professor of surgery at Yale. The author does a serviceable job of stitching together this slight, popular biography of the larger-than-life Maimonides, but his writing is marred by an overwrought prologue and some glib generalizations.

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Maimonides [Маймонид]


Maimonides, one of the preeminent personalities of medieval Jewish history, was a jurist, philosopher, expert in Jewish law, physician at the court of Saladin and a respected and dedicated communal leader. Given all that, it’s difficult to understand the decision to present Maimonides’s legacy primarily through the lens of his work as a physician. The 12th century was a time of stagnation in the history of medicine, and the author himself concedes that Maimonides contributed very little that was new or innovative to the field. By contrast, his jurisprudential magnum opus, the Mishne Torah, constituted a groundbreaking work in its own day and continues to be authoritative almost a millennium later. Although Nuland acknowledges this in a chapter on Maimonides’s religious scholarship, it is dwarfed by the overarching concern with medicine—which seems the primary interest of Nuland, a clinical professor of surgery at Yale. The author does a serviceable job of stitching together this slight, popular biography of the larger-than-life Maimonides, but his writing is marred by an overwrought prologue and some glib generalizations.

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Moses Maimonides was a Renaissance man before there was a Renaissance: a great physician who served a sultan, a dazzling Torah scholar, a community leader, a daring philosopher whose greatest work—The Guide for the Perplexed—attempted to reconcile scientific knowledge with faith in God. He was a Jew living in a Muslim world, a rationalist living in a time of superstition. Eight hundred years after his death, his notions about God, faith, the afterlife, and the Messiah still stir debate; his life as a physician still inspires; and the enigmas of his character still fascinate.

Sherwin B. Nuland, focuses his surgeon’s eye and writer’s pen on this greatest of rabbis, most intriguing of Jewish philosophers, and most honored of Jewish doctors. He gives us a portrait of Maimonides that makes his life, his times, and his thought accessible to the general reader as they have never been before.

Sherwin B. Nuland is Clinical Professor of Surgery at Yale University School of Medicine and a Fellow at Yale’s Institute for Social and Policy Studies. He is the author of over ten books, including the National Book Award-winning, HOW WE DIE: Reflections on Life’s Final Chapter, an inquiry into the causes and modes of death that spent 34 weeks on the New York Times best-seller list. In addition he is a contributor to leading publications including the New Yorker, the New Republic, and the New York Review of Books.

  • ISBN: 978-5-7516-0866-8
  • Published: 2010
  • Language: Russian
  • Format: 5×8 Hardcover, 252 pp.



Американский хирург и преподаватель медицины и биоэтики Йельского университета Шервин Б. Нуланд посвятил эту книгу своему коллеге, жившему свыше восьми столетий назад — Моше бен Маймону (1135—1204), более известному в Европе как Маймонид. О Маймониде обычно пишут как о мудреце, галахисте и одном из первых и величайших еврейских философов, но Нуланда интересует другая область энциклопедической эрудиции и профессиональной деятельности его героя — медицина. И хотя большая часть книги посвящена жизненному пути Маймонида и его деятельности как комментатора Библии, галахиста и философа, автор называет свою работу “исследованием еврейского врача, посвященным самому выдающемуся из еврейских врачей”. Нуланд считает, что врачебная скрупулезность Маймонида, а также его внимание к эмоциональной и духовной жизни больного и, шире, его гуманизм делают его “врачом на все времена” и могут стать образцом и для современной медицины. 

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