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Song of Songs [Песнь Песней]

Song of Songs [Песнь Песней]


The text is accompanied by two-leveled com­mentary: according to the simple meaning of the text, and according to its allegorical meaning.

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Song of Songs [Песнь Песней]


The text is accompanied by two-leveled com­mentary: according to the simple meaning of the text, and according to its allegorical meaning.

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A translation of the classic publication into contem­porary Russian, by Rabbi N. Z. Rapoport and poet B. Kamyanov.

The text is accompanied by two-leveled com­mentary: according to the simple meaning of the text, and according to its allegorical meaning.

The article “Song of the Songs” by Rabbi A. Steinsaltz is also included: one of the reviewers of the book mentions that it “reads like a work of fiction”. 

Комментированное издание. Книга включает параллельный текст (иврит, русский); предисловие Раши к своему комментарию Песни песней; комментарии согласно простому смыслу текста (основанные на мнениях Раши и «Даат Микра») и комментарии согласно аллегорическому смыслу текста (основанные на мнении Талмуда, мидрашей, Раши и др. источниках).

  • Format: 4×6, Hardcover, 137 pp 
  • Language: Russian, Hebrew
  • ISBN: 5-901905-13-Х
  • Publisher: Institute Of Jewish Studies

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Weight 1 lbs


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