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Mosaic of Jewish Fate in the XXth Century [Мозаика еврейских судеб. ХХ век]

Mosaic of Jewish Fate in the XXth Century [Мозаика еврейских судеб. ХХ век]


Includes three dozen stories about people widely known, as well as about people less famous.

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Mosaic of Jewish Fate in the XXth Century [Мозаика еврейских судеб. ХХ век]


Includes three dozen stories about people widely known, as well as about people less famous.

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By Boris Frezinsky

This book by the specialist in the history of literature Boris Frezinski includes three dozen stories about people widely known (Nathan Altman, Ilya Ilf, Vasilij Grossman), as well as about people less famous. All of them lived in the ХХ century – the century of global catastrophies – and worked mainly in the Russian Empire or USSR. The book begins with the narration of the Solomon Mikhoels’s death – the murder which marked Stalin’s introduction of a new political course.

ISBN: 978-5-9953-0009-0
Published: 2008
Language: Russian
Format: 5×8 Hardcover, 464 pp.

Мозаика еврейских судеб. ХХ век

Борис Фрезинский
Книга историка литературы Бориса Фрезинского содержит три десятка сюжетов. Их герои — люди, как общеизвестные (Натан Альтман, Илья Ильф, Василий Гроссман), так и куда менее знаменитые. Все они жили в ХХ веке — веке мировых катастроф — и работали преимущественно на территории Российской империи или СССР. Книга начинается с повествования об убийстве Соломона Михоэлса — знакового преступления, обозначившего начало нового политического курса Сталина.

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Weight 1.3 lbs


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