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Pirkei Avot & Avot of Rabbi Natan

Pirkei Avot & Avot of Rabbi Natan


Avot de-Rabbi Nathan, usually printed together with the minor tractates of the Talmud, is a Jewish aggadic work probably compiled in the geonic era (c.700–900 CE). Although Avot de-Rabbi Nathan is the first and longest of the “minor tractates”, it probably does not belong in that collection chronologically, having more the character of a late midrash. In the form now extant it contains a mixture of Mishnah and Midrash, and may be technically designated as a homiletical exposition of the Mishnaic tractate Pirkei Avot, having for its foundation an older recension (version) of that tractate. It may be considered as a kind of “tosefta” or “gemarah” to the Mishna Avot, which does not possess a traditional gemarah. Avot de-Rabbi Nathan contains many sentences, proverbs, and incidents that are not found anywhere else in the early rabbinical literature. Other rabbinical sayings appear in a more informal style than what is found in the canonical Mishna Avot redacted by Judah I.

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Pirkei Avot & Avot of Rabbi Natan


Avot de-Rabbi Nathan, usually printed together with the minor tractates of the Talmud, is a Jewish aggadic work probably compiled in the geonic era (c.700–900 CE). Although Avot de-Rabbi Nathan is the first and longest of the “minor tractates”, it probably does not belong in that collection chronologically, having more the character of a late midrash. In the form now extant it contains a mixture of Mishnah and Midrash, and may be technically designated as a homiletical exposition of the Mishnaic tractate Pirkei Avot, having for its foundation an older recension (version) of that tractate. It may be considered as a kind of “tosefta” or “gemarah” to the Mishna Avot, which does not possess a traditional gemarah. Avot de-Rabbi Nathan contains many sentences, proverbs, and incidents that are not found anywhere else in the early rabbinical literature. Other rabbinical sayings appear in a more informal style than what is found in the canonical Mishna Avot redacted by Judah I.

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Translated by: Pereferkovich, N.
Editor: Kipervasser, Reuven
ISBN: 978-5-93873-323-3
Year Published: 2011
Language: Russian
Format: 7×10 Hardcover, 328 pp.

This edition presents two Talmud: Pirke Avot and Avot de Rabbi Nathan (two versions). Pirkei Avot – the only treatises Mishnah, which contains no halachic judgments, but only cautionary statements 63 Zion-Tana. In traditional Jewish learning is a popular treatise, which was included in the prayer books to read on Saturdays, and many expressions of it have become proverbs. This treatise – an important source for the study of Talmudic thought and Jewish theology in general, it articulated the fundamental concepts of nature and human nature. Avot de Rabbi Nathan – a collection of aphorisms, explanations and stories attributed to the Tanana, the content and structure closely related to Pirkei Avot. This treatise was formed in posttalmudicheskuyu era and came to us in two versions, the second of which was discovered in the XIX century. Translations of treatises, carried out in the beginning of last century, N. Pereferkovichem, in our edition is published in substantially revised and commented version, prepared by Dr. Reuven Kipervasser.

В настоящем издании представлены два талмудических трактата: Пиркей Авот и Авот де-рабби Натан (в двух версиях). Пиркей Авот — единственный из трактатов Мишны, который содержит не галахические суждения, а исключительно назидательные высказывания 63 мудрецов-танаев. В традиционной еврейской учености это очень популярный трактат, который был включен в молитвенники для чтения по субботам; многие выражения из него стали поговорками. Этот трактат — важный источник для исследования талмудической мысли и еврейской теологии вообще, в нем сформулированы фундаментальные концепции природы и сущности человека. Авот де-рабби Натан — сборник афоризмов, толкований и рассказов, приписываемых танаям, по содержанию и структуре тесно связанный с Пиркей Авот. Этот трактат сложился в постталмудическую эпоху и дошел до нас в двух редакциях, вторая из которых была обнаружена в XIX в. Переводы трактатов, осуществленные в начале прошлого века Н.Переферковичем, в нашем издании публикуются в значительно переработанном и комментированном варианте, подготовленном доктором Реувеном Кипервассером.

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