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Turning darkness into light. Kabbalah and Psychology

Turning darkness into light. Kabbalah and Psychology


By Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh

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Turning darkness into light. Kabbalah and Psychology


By Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh

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By Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh

Subjectivity of our view of reality leads to a distortion of the vision and to take wrong decisions. But what really seems that reality?

In this book, Rabbi Ginsburg develops Kabbalistic approach to psychology, which is able to give as far away from the mentality of the people and fans of Psychology and Professional Psychology, a new and deeper understanding of the human soul.

On the basis of this understanding, new and unexpected opportunities for dealing with psychological problems. Book can help people to bring back the joy of life.

Year Published: 2012 
Format: 6×9 Hardcover, 228 pp. 
ISBN: 978-965-7146-59-0 
Translator: S.M.K. Editor: Kochubievsky, Shlomo 
Language: Russian


From the Editor 11 1. Achieving a stable mental health 19 The attitude of society – the issue of mental health and psychotherapy -Kabbala – The process of self-discovery – The process of knowledge of the Most High 2. The process of spiritual development 29 Humility, separation, harmonization – Light and darkness 3. Methods of treatment of 37 Alarm – Alarm Suppression – Ignoring -Discussing alarm alarm – Mutual integration 4. Suppression of alarm 51 Anxiety and ego – Thinking about the nature of reality -Detalny analysis of reality – Prayer from the heart 5. Ignoring the alarm 71 objective analysis of anxiety – Eliminating negative thoughts – Updated self-esteem – Positive Thinking 6. The story about his anxiety 85 The role of the consultant – The need for the other person ■ a local solution – The transformation of evil into good 7. Transform evil into good 101 Statement of the Problem – Treatment of phobias – Stages positive rethinking of evil – to move away from evil and do good -Razoblachenie illusion – Give Soul to have their say-continuity of the spectrum of morality – Medical leaves 8. Kabbalistic psychology in comparison with the conventional 127 Similarities and differences – Error transition from humility to harmonization, avoiding division – permissiveness and harmonization 9. Therapist in action 137 Qualifications therapist – Passage consultant stages of humility, separation and harmonization – The importance of continuous therapy 10. Positive alarm 149 Inspiring alarm – Waiting for the Messiah – Spark Masha-aha – humility, sharing and harmonization of waiting for the Messiah 11. Therapy and spiritual paths 161 Way of the Messiah – Three currents of Hasidism – Growing “therapy ■ The top of the arch – Harmonisation in harmonization in the” middle “of the righteous and 12. Therapy and spiritual paths 179 Three special book – the Messiah as a psychologist – Climbing stairs soul Notes and references 189 Approach to transfer 213 Glossary 215 227 Hebrew alphabet

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Weight 1.4 lbs


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